Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Basic Calculus

         Basic Calculus, " that's so hard","urgh math again "what? what's that again"? these are only some common phrases students say when they hear the word basic calculus. From the past months we had encountered and journeyed through Basic Calculus, we learned a lot of things. in this subject, we had the reporting which you should be prepared of and should study well.  Another is that, we've learned about different topics with really difficult formulas and solutions but, as we are a positive and hardworking students, we were able to get pass through it.we did not only learned about math, but we also learned how to appreciate each other as we report for we know the struggles and how hard it is to understand the assigned topic on your own. in addition. basic calculus is not only about numbers but also about reflecting on our attitudes towards the others.

Reading and Writing Skill

       RWS stands for Reading and Writing Skills. In this subject, we learned how to understand, analyze and interpret stories. We had the book review of the story "Little Prince" which is we could say a very beautiful and meaningful story. It was about a prince and a pilot and a fox.

in this subject too, we experienced how to critique story. Also, we learned that in every claim there is always a counterclaim.Claim of Policy, claim of Fact and claim of Value.
The claim of Policy is the claim that it should be implemented, a claim of Fact is the claim that it is true and has evidence or proofs while a claim of Value is the claim that talks about the importance of the subject.
Different pattern organizers are also part of the RWS subject. There are many types of Time pattern organizers, classification pattern organizers, cause-and-effect, comparisons and contrast.
We also learned the difference between a text and a discourse. The text is the group of ideas joined together and written while discourse is a matter of utterance or ideas that are imparted verbally or through speaking.
Not only individual tasks, but we are also taught by groupings. O the latter part, we are taught on how to right a college application letter which would be very useful for future purposes.
For our last performance task, we are required to have a job interview with our college application letter, cover letter, memorandum, and resume.
In this we learned how to face and interact with different people especially when we are talking to the executives, there should be respect and manners. We are taught how to be prepared and confident in our own way.

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