Monday, March 13, 2017

                                 "Earth Quake Prevention in Davao Central College"

Unlike hurricanes and some other natural hazards, earthquakes strike suddenly and without warning. Nevertheless, if your local schools are in a region at risk for earthquakes, there are things that you can do to reduce the chances that those who attend or work in the schools will be injured, that school property will be damaged, or that school functioning will be unduly disrupted by an earthquake. These activities all fall under the concept of preparedness, because to be effective, they must be done before earthquakes occur.

Earthquakes are unique challenges for schools. Unlike other natural or man-made hazards, they occur with no warning. Schools cannot be closed in advance, nor evacuated. However, with proper training and planning in advance, everyone in your school community can be prepared to react appropriately during and after an earthquake, with appropriate supplies on hand. This lesson provides an overview of school earthquake preparedness and provides resources for use in incorporating earthquakes into your overall emergency plans.

Your school or district should not prepare for earthquakes separately from other potential hazards. Much of the material in this lesson also is useful for many other situations. The best approach is to create and enhance comprehensive, all-hazards emergency plans that:

*Involve the collaboration of all users of the buildings.

*Are customized to the unique district, school, and campus

*Provide for the whole school community, including people with disabilities and special needs

*Use the four phases framework—Prevention & Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

By having knowledge of earthquakes we can have better chances to survive disaster that may occur in our area and can give big knowledge for survival in  life. earthquake drills is important for us student to know so that we can be preferred to the future.

Our School have tasked us to do our own floor plan for us to learn basic skills and preparedness in school and also contribute something for a better community.

but still our teachers assisted us by this task and help us to do a better output, we learn a lot of things on this experience like knowing what can be hazardous in our community, dangerous things  that could happen in an earthquake.

It is a privilege for us to learn this things, having a good school like Davao Central College really boost our knowledge about things in life, i do believe that knowledge is a great power than a sword.

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